API Design for C++ by Martin Ry

API Design for C++

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API Design for C++ Martin Ry ebook
Format: pdf
ISBN: 0123850037, 9780123850034
Page: 446
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

C++ was designed to be backwardly compatible with C. Every public element in your API is a promise. A promise that you will support that functionality for the lifetime of the API. For several years Gecko used a C++ wrapper around cairo as its cross-platform rendering API. The new Win7 threadpool API requires you to use SetThreadpoolWait to schedule a new wait - Article in the C++ forum contributed by doug65536. Multi-threading and event handling are built into the C++ API. Notification (AutoReset) events are signalled. Last, he talks about how the Coherence team built Java-like memory management for C++ and how they made Coherence 3.4 work on many of the operating systems running on Intel-like processors. Jul30 2011 4 Comments Written by ali.tabatabaei. AZR331 Casablanca is a Microsoft incubation effort to support cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. (Click here if you can't see the video.) . Other good resources for API design are Chapter 4 “Designs and Declarations” from “Effective C++” by Scott Meyers [3], and “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch [4]. The Nokia Qt library provides a cross-platform application and UI framework for C++. Then I had MFC, it was better, but being just a wrapper for the C Win32 API, it wasn't modern C++ or API design. Think of it as Node.js, but using C. (To fill the streaming buffer with more audio). Object based, but hardly useable and hardly C++, just IDL and a vtable. Don't Overpromise (from the book API Design for C++). Use http://boost.org/ 3) While you're at it - look in Alexandrescu's 'Modern C++ Design' how to write good C++ strings.